Pink UMS Mosque


This is the "Pink Mosque" - official mosque of University Malaysia Sabah or UMS for short. UMS is the only local university in Sabah Borneo Malaysia and campus area is really beautiful.

University Malaysia Sabah has started Eco Campus initiative - as effort to highlight UMS as tourist attraction, to promote nature tourism in UMS area and to make UMS a favorite sightseeing destination for tourists who come to Kota Kinabalu for holiday.

This Pink Mosque is included in tour packages run by many local tour operators catered for tourists from South Korea, mostly.

Sabah Borneo Malaysia Travel Blog

This blog is all about places to visit for holiday in Sabah, a state in Malaysian Borneo, in South East Asia. Kota Kinabalu is the capital city of Sabah. We focused on best vacation spots, natural rainforests, local attractions, historial monuments and things to do.

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